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Перевод Примеры
Две головЫ лУчше, чем одна // Желательно выслушать ешё одно мнение Или совет, прежде чем прийтИ к какому-то вЫводу Или решению.

То turn to Hilary was second nature with him-and, surely, in such а task two heads were better than one ! (Gasworthy)

"As four heads is better tЬan two, Sammy," said Mr. Weller, as they drove along the London road in the chaise cart, "and as all this here property is а very great temptation to а legal gen'lm'n, ve'll take а couple o'friends o'mine vith us, as'll bе wery soon down upon him if he comes anythin' irreg'lar ; two o'them as saw you to the Fleet that day. " (Dickens)